
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Seven months to go.

Since no one will answer, let me answer my own greet.
Okay. So,
can't believe SPM is seven months away! According to Rama and Madam Hasni, minus sleep minus eat time minus holidays, I don't even have much time left. Last Thursday, when the SPM results came out, I cried my heart out. It was just so beautiful seeing the tough looking boys cried and hugged their parents, a straight A-ed girl screamed, a boy brought his little brother on stage and many more. I want to be one of them. 9A's is actually more than enough. I will be jubilant to hold a slip like this
You CAN NOT imagine the gallons of tears me and my mom will cry.
Oh God.
I am scared!!!!
So I wish you all the best Zealous1014/1314 and everyone who is facing SPM in 2014.
Have a great holiday!
and don't forget to complete your holiday packages!
I have a damn lot of them.


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