
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm zealous!

Form 4 badge this year in SEMESRA was called Zealous, meaning energetic. We got this shirt

It was nice, but look at how long it is! It is tight in the butt but okaylah for me. So, Alhamdulillah.. better than my standard 6 class shirt. 
P/S: Sorry I tell mess your head with stupid things in my life. K bye.


Monday, May 27, 2013


Yep, I watched Epic.
It was EPIC!
Epic is epic.
and look at the hero, Nod

not so handsome but guess who voiced it!

Read wikipedia if you wanna know the story. I am just too lazy right now. Off to watch TV! BYE BYE

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pengkalan Balak Family Day

This is sooooo long ago but it happened a day before I moved to another school. I didn't have time to write about it. So here I am, 4 months after that.

27th January 2013

My big family consists of 38 people converged in front of the vast god made sea called Pengkalan Balak. Tok Man's family, (Tok Man is my grandfather) is in charge of the prizes and food.

1st place: Jobo
2nd place: Poyo
3rd place: Lekeh
$th place: Corot

Basically, everyone gets a hamper. This is just for fun so why so serious. There are 4 groups with 9 members each. I was in team 2. The events held were tug-of-war, eat till you complete, fill the bottle, sweets and flour, catch the water balloons and fit the puzzle. Here areeeeee... the pictures from tug of war!!!

Ish ish ish... 'Toghok bonar goman eh'.
The next game is eat till you complete. LOL what a name. The aim is to finish a pack of thumbs up peanuts. Well, we ate on sand and those peanuts were easily buried and, you guessed it. Playing fair is not an option. Those who did, tasted defeat. Couldn't help it. Moreover, I stated this before, all of this was just for fun.

Then, fill the bottle. My team got number 1. After we finished, we pour all the water from the 2 litres basin into other team's bottle. They got soaked but it was good entertainment for me.

Sweets and flour: 

I don't participate because I know the consequenses and I don't dare wear flour make up. After the next game, catch the water balloons ended, the remaining water balloons were thrown at my Mak Cik, the person   who came with the idea of this game. She too got wet like everyone else. I was so happy I wasn't.

I just want to post the pictures from tug-of-war again. Damn funny.
 (ignore that one)

That night, was prize giving. Group number 2 got second place, POYOOOO!!



Friday, May 24, 2013

Ugh, Dusty!

Long time no see.

How has everyone been doing?
Hopefully well and in pink.

So, I was having a mental breakdown due to the mid-year exams. I don't know if I worked hard enough.to get what I dreamed, 9A. But well, what's past is past. I have to remind you people,... we study  for Allah not exam, okay?

I wonder how my friends in KGV are doing. I know they are having this trend #KGVPoyo on twitter. It is so awesomely accurate. :D I don't know how to contact you guys since I have nothing- no social accounts- so if you have anything to say, ask me on tumblr. Here. 

I've been reading so many good novels. I really think you should read them, if you have free time. I bet you wonder how can I have free time in SBP. Well, you have. I asked this question when I first entered and guess what? The third intake students asked me the same thing! HAHA.
(full of great words )

(Every chapter is saddening)

(This is so great. Can't explain)

(very very complicated and the end is very unexpected)

Do you wanna see what my notebook is like? It's not like Dinie's but I'm just proud of it. Proud that I am capable of making something look pretty despite my unartsy hands. Insufficient memory is what it wrote in the front. That is what actually made me buy it in the first place.

Ugly? YES? NO? :D
After my mom get me the hell outta school, we went to my grandma's house. Hmmm,.. I do think absence makes the heart grows fonder. While I was there, my grandfather said he has to treat me like a guest. He poured tea in a cup and put it in a saucer. You might think it's nothing but it meant so much to me because usually, I pour my own drink, in a plastic cup. I remember when I my sister visited me at school, she told me whenever my grandfather picks fruits from his orchard, especially bananas, he will rant about how I love them. He'll ask my mother to bring them to me even when, I don't know if he knows that the bananas will rot by the end of the week, which is the only time parents are allowed to visit their jailed kids.  I do think my family will do more. Well, that is one of the pros of being an SBP student- or living in hostel, for that matter.
There's a silver lining after all.