I feel like making an essay.
I know mine isn't as good as Dinie's,
isn't at all like Kenneth's
and doesn't impress the teachers enough.
I'm just expressing things that occurred and passed in front of me.
Okay, I've learnt many things from the past 14 years.
I just knew how water supply system could be so complicated.
Well, I had been wondering where the water from the pipe came from.
My mom said water came from mountains and the nearest mountain from my house is MILES away.
How can the water run safely to my pipe?
Why sometimes the water came out so rusty?
Why this and why that.
I twisted my own brain -.-
Technically, now I know :)

The next thing that I realized that there is no such subject as 'music' :(
I will be happy if I can play even ONE type of musical instrument.
The only song that I CAN play on the recorder is Mary Had A Little Lamb. *face palm
Sometimes, I can't accept that i'm not a 12 year-old youngster anymore
and everything is worse now because when I was 13, I lied to those innocent ticket seller by saying I'm 12, making the ticket price cheaper.
I also went to Pusat Sains Negara. There was one incident when the worker said only children under the year of 12 can ride the triceratops simulator. I, with the face of an Ayam Brand sardine, entered the simulator. I act like a 10 year old excactly :

Oh my god, I don't know why I did all those just because to hide that I'm a teenager.
Maybe Atiqah is like this too.
She lies about her current 'status' THE WHOLE TIME.
I was embarrassed too but that feeling fade from time to time.
Having 'that' thing is normal, right?
Every girl will experience that. :)
Also, I think that myself isn't ready to be a teen yet.

This is because my love to cartoon has not fade even one bit.
I'm the one who suffers the most when me and my siblings missed one episode of Doraemon.
I also like to sleep with teddy bears.
They are my best friends at home.
And believe this :
When I don't have anyone to talk to, I talk to my teddy bear named, Trifflez.
Sometimes I talk to my diary, Crowny but most of the time I chat with Trifflez

Hey, you know what?
Once, there was this one boy laughed and said that I'm eccentric because I talked to a tissue -.-
Is talking to non-living things a criminal?
There are some things that can't be said to human
so, where can I express such things?
-To THINGS! :)
*sigh sigh sigh
Why everything has to be so fast?
One moment I'm on my mom's lap,
one moment, I'm at school with my standard 1 teacher
and the next thing I know is that i'm sitting for UPSR.
Time runs super fast.
I wish I can be like it
so, I can take part in the school's sport's day.
That's all now.
I wish I have school today because I want to hear birthday wishes :D
(I'm so selfish)
Nevermind then.

Thank you mom for being the first to wish me :)
and thank you Dinie for giving me such sweet-annoying e-mail. :D
I'm glad, pleased and I feel um, BLISSFUL :)