
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Swimming Linggi Style

Assalamualaikum readers.
 I was at Linggi yesterday (15th December 2012). We were sort of picnic-ing. Me and ALL of my family went, like usual but this time, Kak Zaza, my cousin came with us. We ate lots of food, swam from morning to night, took many pictures and most of all, Alhamdulillah.. had fun :D  Okay let’s start the story.

We went in the morning, with lots of food and stuff in the boot.

 Just as soon as we get there, clothes were all changed and we immediately swam. Ill fated, rain poured soon after that. We didn’t stop just yet, we bathed in the rain! 

Here are some pictures from that day. 
Qaseh is just like her brother, aquaphobia

Shitting ball?

That night, we ate delicious barbeque.

 I tried to snap the stars but that camera just can’t capture pictures in such darkness.

She is Kak Zaza I told you about

After my eyes were opened the next day, I immediately changed to swimming clothes. Of course, I wasn't the only one.

And you can guess we swam before sunrise until the sun is on top of our heads.

dazzling and flawless beach. Subhanallah

After swimming and all, we couldn't just leave the beach! Can you guess what we did? Took LOADS of pictures! YEAH.


Many enough? Wait till you see this.

Oh yes, you know where we stayed?

Desa Balqis? No..

If you guys want to spend time at the Malaysian sea, you can call that number up there. Support Malaysian Tourism!

Then it's time to go home.. :( 

But more fun awaits tomorrow! :D I'm going to Fraser Hill and will be back in December 19th. My PMR resultsssss! What will I get? We will see.. :) 

P/S: I snapped these beautiful sceneries too.

P/P/S: I don't remember anyone's birthday tomorrow.

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